Thursday, October 15, 2009

Student-Faculty Reception

On Thursday, September 17, and as part of the International Law Week organized by the International Law Society (ILS), an LLM & ILS Student-Faculty Mixer took place in the Tucker Room at the LSU Law Center. LLM candidates were introduced to the faculty and students. A reception followed and lively discussions extended throughout the evening.

LL.M. Dialogue Series

The newly created LLM Dialogues Series offers LLMs a monthly opportunity to listen to and interact with lawyers or scholars having an international or relevant experience. In August, Mr. Ibrahim Abdouraoufi, a native of Cameroun and doctoral student in Lyon, France, where he is a Teaching and Research Assistant, spoke about the harmonization of business law in Africa. In September, Mr. Michel Séjean, who worked as an Assistant Professor of Law in France and is writing a doctoral dissertation in Paris, spoke about his experience as a legal translator. Mr. Séjean was a Visiting Scholar at LSU for five months, working on two CCLS projects: translation into French of chapters of the Louisiana Civil Code and translation into French of the Principles of European Tort Law.